Batman Beyond:
I bought the first season of the batman beyond series a few months ago. I was in love with it when it came out when i was younger. its more futuristic, and really captures the levels of what high school would be if you were batman, i believe. plus the suit would be really fun too.
going back to the first season, the animation is decent, it appeared alot better back in the day. it's hard to go up against the original batman superman adventures when they came out, that animation is just cool for american. mabye the only problem wiht batman beyond would be it's awkwardness of bad guys, some fit well and others feel like they were running out of ideas or trying to hard. but it's fun watching them run all over a future gothem. The love affairs and friendships 'terry' (the new batman) makes is really good to develope. especially in the later season, things really pick up with his gf, and his other babe he likes from the cards group.
Plus being able to fly , to the new airshp bat thing, works out well in terms of manuerability. even though the original airship was jsut fine. i like the whole aspect with how wayne enterprises is trying to be taken over by the new boys rather then bruce wayne. his company is slowly being corrupted, and wayne is getting old and loosing power, but still has respect and dignity. that side of the season is good to see as well.
With the original batman coming to accept the fact he is getting too old is somewhat painful, because i was like man, i feel for ya dude. but sometimes you just gotta know your limit.
alot of times i get the seasons mixed up, but the first season is relitively short, like 13 eps, that's a small season. anways the second season is already out, and i totally forgot if therer was even a third season approaching, i'll have to check if there's a release date or not. i wouldnt suggest buying it unless your sold on this series, like me, if not, ask me to borrow it, i'm always happy to find a batman beyond fan.
oh yeah...batman owns superman any day, no competition, period.
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