Saturday, November 11, 2006

Innocence is a movie that explores inanimate objects and representative forms as artificial life.
Released in Japan on March 6, 2004, with a U.S. release on September 17, 2004, Innocence had a production budget of approximately $20 million (approx. 2 billion yen).

i'll try not to reveal the storyline too much.....

Yeah, i know this has been out for forever, i saw it when it first came out.

First Impression: downright hated it. loved the first movie, but without the Major(her actual body and whole presence) it was just hard to feel comfortable. also what did not help was the fact that Batou is the main character, and i strongly dislike him. the only thing that we have in common, is that he digs the major, and likes dogs, it's name is Gabriel, a cute hound. And only having the Major make a small appearance in a inanimate robot chick was not my idea of cool , but whatever. The story and issues they tackle is again info heavy and confusing, that's what i love about the series and movies. We mentioned in class the awkwardness of robots becoming and having the appearance of humans. there are alot of hints and notions to this issue, it can be down right creepy, it's just that good. But after me and friends watched it, it first came out with just original jap. voice, and eng. subs, they all hated it, and i was just dissapointed.

The secondary character is togusa. he's the only full human, out of section 9. It's good to see him again, but this time he is hooked up with Batou as a partner, its not a bad combo, for conversation and atmosphere. He looks good though.

I had alot of mixed feelings after the first time, so i went back and soaked it up some more. went back again and basked in it's light, then dove right in.

Okay, i'm pretty sure this is my 20th time watching this movie, and i dont' wanna say it's an aquired taste or i wanna say i like it cause no body did where i lived to be different, but i'm in love with this movie, partly because i still dont' understand all the issues, and i love the art and atmosphere they use. I still wouldn't call this a ghost in shell movie 2 though, it's more like here's a movie centered around batou, a side plot movie. Alright, all things aside now: They incorporate 3d into 2d, and they do it pretty darn good. well best i've seen in a while for adding it in. Some stuff stands out, but then other times it just looks gorgeous. They just animate little things in the background, that just shows they put some fun thought in.

The music has the standard, japanese choir whining, which wasn't too bad in the first movie, however in this one, they beat it to death, to where it's almost downright annoying. It's super high pitched this time too, and at 3 in the morning, your just like, please stop, my ears can't take it,, but there are some good tracks still in the movie, theres even a good choir one too, believe it or not, i dont' recommend buying the soundtrack, unless your dead sold out. They have some good sound effx too.

The philosophies they present are really good, i enjoy them alot, but i wont' go into detail, just check it out for yourself. have an open mind. Just throwing it out there, wanna know your thoughts since nobody really reads these things anyway. cause the movie is controversially. mabye love it or hate it, not sure, but i really love it alot. if you've seen it, id say give it another shot, if your cyberpunk fan. it even has a couple cool action scenes for violence lovers.

They have a third movie called, like solid state society, thats not out in the states yet. but it this movie follows the series from the tv shows. It looks great so far from the previews. look out for that, when it hits shores.


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