Love Actually:
I didn't like this movie at first, but then it slowly grew on me. It follows a few love relationships around the christmas cheer time. It has keira knightly, but shes plays a small role. the movie kinda makes you wish you could see more of the characters you want too, and then flips you upside to follow someone else you don't wanna see (run on sent.) then makes you feel for the current episode then rips you away again. i hated it, but it works, and when you get into the groove it makes it really fun to bounce around.
I'm not gonna name all the characters and situations , but i'll try what i remember off the top of my head: there's a boss dude that has a secretary who really wants him bad, and the problem is the boss is married and contimplating the affair and such like.
The next episode is about a chick and a black dude getting married, the black dude's best friend is secretly in love with the babe. talk about fun. He films the wedding for the video but only tapes her. She catches the film and is awstruck. mabyes theres still a little interest too. he goes down still in love with her. it's realy cool, even though he knows she can't love him back.
The next episode is about a little boy and his father, they recently just lost their mom, and the little boy is in love with a little girl, who doesn't even know he exists. he wants to win her love and such. the father realizes this and does all he can to help the son find true love. their realtionship is nice, they both work together, and the kid is like a little adult, if i was a little girl, i'd tap that.
the next episode is about a author dude writing a story in england or so. his maid is caught having an affair, so he gets a new one, who cant' speak english. they really like each other, and say it, but both have no clue what the other is saying, but are actually saying the exact same thing. she leaves back home, but he goes after her and they marry later on.
the last relationship is between a secretary chick house thing. with the prime minister of england. who is very good looking. blue eyes. all fun. anyway he's having trouble being mr. cool with her and stuff like that. i just remembered theres this old rock star guy re writing one of his old classic hits for a christmas jingle. he hates it, he is fed up with the being correct and not honest about the music. he starts telling it how it is. it's hilarious, this man, would be easy to marry. his manager is fat. they hug at the end for a christmas joy occation. it's really good. he plays a show naked. good body for an old man.
all in all, definately worth the rental, more slightly sided to a chick flick, but it's pretty good. especially since it's so close to christmas.

look it's ms. knightley
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