Saturday, November 18, 2006

OKAMI: for the ps2

Got this game when it first got out, i'm a sucker for the japanese samurai era. so how can you say no to being a wolf god in that time. What really stuck out is the art style, the only style that can come close to this is 'viewtiful joe', which i dont' intend to play.

Basically, the land was tormented by a terrible dark god, but this 'god' is challenged by a wolf god, and a loser warrior. they win, he is banished and trapped in a cave or whatever. didn't really pay attention. anyway history repeats itself, duh. so some idiot unleashes the beast again, and now the forces call forth the wolf gods reincarnate as another wolf god. who cares, wolves looks cool. do it. This game is aimed for kids, especially the humour and violence. it kinda put a damper on it. but i overlooked for over half the game, then i got sick of it, and turned it in for credit.

The art is amazing in this game, they use somewhat of waterbrush technique with cel shading art. the results is crazy. lush environments that move like it's real. you get to run around rapidly with a double jump, it feels like your flying on the clouds. great experience.

There's a bunch of parts where you have to restore the rotten land that is eroding with evil into beautiful gay flowers. Those movies are sick. All these flowers and rainbows fly up everywhere, i'm not gay, but that's how it's potrayed alot in media. and i can still say , this the good stuff.

Another cool aspect of the game is the use of the water brush literally. it freezes the screen and gives you the ablility to paint with ink. this serves as your attack and special abilities, may it be controlling water or drawing a sword slash. fun stuff, the only violence is slicing the bad dudes in half. no blood though, safe fo yo kid. The battle sequences flow great with the real world time. you jump into an enemy and it flawlessly with no load, throws you into battle, it's how games should be. the game is also pretty easy, no hard level.

This game isn't gonna make a huge dent in video game history, but the art will. Never before has a game looked this lush or used this type of style to its advantage. check out some vids on or something. get a preview, because the game alone is worth it for the art for once. oh and you can't swim. he's a wolf, i don't get it, so you can draw lily pads to jump to them, fun.

i guess, the only objectible part of the game for kids is this one leaf goddess chick, her boobs bounce a ton, and i have no clue why that is in there, for such a kid game. be aware thats all. i got rid of it, because i got bored, it's worth a rent.

Music Videos: i missed this class where we watched some of the vids, and i dont' know what take or opinions that were expressed during it, but here's my opinion, and blog.

kk, starting off, lets shoot up a definition: A music video is a short film or video that accompanies a complete piece of music, most commonly a song. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. Although the origins of music videos go back much further, they came into their own in the 1980s, when MTV (Music Television)'s format was based around them.

There we have it: The industry i feel is really really dissapointing, especially for the main stream bands, not even sure if they get a say in the matter of how the music video portrays or even works. Also, with the mainstream, there's a ton of artists who don't even make their own music or lyrics, they get a little input or whatever, it's all about fame and money in that part. Whatever will get the little mtv teeny boppers to go 'that's so hot'. What's also pathetic is when they have a band that's actually good for an interview on mtv to show their debut music video and they don't even know anything about the band, and make many mistakes. come on, it's television.

Some more background is alot of times the label picks out the singles on the record, rather then the artist having a say in the matter, therefore, they can be thrown into making a video they dont' wanna portray as the band's 'this is how we sound or want to show you who we really are' type.

let's skip around and try not to have a point while talking about this. ok. sex is fun. it's doing awesome in the music video part as well as movies. let's dance with barely any clothes on. it's gets the pple watching. this is a given in a ton of music videos. but that doesn't mean we should dismiss some of them, there's a bunch out there that actually have some merit and freakn cool ideas for 'art' if you will. let's get krunk g unit.

art keeps changing, there's always room for new ideas, but there in the mediums with music videos, theres a bunch that have been done, that don't see the light of day. thank you al gore , for the internet, that is. Radiohead although not a big fan, have some cool 2d animation vids. 3d's with the cool little blue and red glasses, then computer animation is all over the boards. With the effx department advancing with technology, who knows what's gonna be next, but it'll be a ball yo.

but it's a real treat when the artist themselves actually take part or even just create the movie. this is when you actually get to peer into the artists head. or what they want you to believe or evoke out of the song. gotta love those.

ending, i'm not gonna throw out a bunch of music videos that i think are cool, because alot of times i feel they really screwed em up or didn't potray the song at all, i'm not saying that you don't need art in videos. cause alot of todays music vids are just the band playing, which is a sad waste for such beautful songs coming out. sometimes too, the song can make the video good, sometimes, the video can make the song, it's just interesting how it plays out like that sometimes. oh yeah, this never made a point or reached it. so dont' worry about it.

FINAL FATASY 12: Look at me, i have pretty graphics and a pretend intricate political storyline that has empty fun...come on kids.

(played about 6 hours in the game, so this just a preview review, which i will never do a real review)

Ok, lets get this puppy poppin' I didn't have high expectations for the game. They've been delaying it for like two years, but i pre ordered it anyway, heck the battle system looked fun, especially from the demo they let us have with dragon warrior 8. I got home, put it in, and sat back and was ready for a real adventure (cause there's been a lack of good rpgs lately).

Graphics: probably some of the best on the ps2, a decent bump up from x-2. It's just that the ps2 can only go so far, and once you hit that point, you just gotta work with what you got. The in game characters have good detail, nice hair blowing inthe wind etc... The movie are pre rendered like always, but this time they are so good, it's like they lost something inside them. like they don't have a soul anymore.

Atmosphere: Okay, the main pple doing this was the main men of the psx final fantasy tactics. I found the atmosphere to be a dead on accurate with the characters especially from 'final fantasy tactics advance' from the gba. The character races are the same from both games as well. it's just odd seeing little rabbits as 'moogles'. Right off the bat, after the first couple of medieval kingdom, knights and stuff. but then the game feels like they took phantom menace from star ep 1: the planet and that kingdom from where natalie portman was in charge of (honestly i dont' remember or care because those movies are a disrepect to all star wars and dont' diserve the right of that title). Then take that world and mix it together with the Disney movie 'Aladdin'. The main town and deserts just makes you feel like you have a monkey as your pal and the stupid pple are about to bust out into song. Don't get me wrong, the towns and areas are vast and fun to look at, but theres just too much comparison with the fact is it just feels gay.

Storyline: not much has developed but it seems pretty predictable. kingdoms battling, men in power , crime and treason, a rebellion and revolution undertaking at hand, not much of a love story. With how many characters there are is seems to spread kinda thin. but since i've only played a few hours, this doesn't have any merit, but the politcal complexity pple are bragging about, is so overrated. it feels like shakespeare, which is overrated. yes, overrated, i said it.

Characters: This is where i feel like squre enix is fallen off the deep end. This time the characters are even more less personal. I couldn't connect with any of them, mabye the sky pirate and his chick, or the rebellion chick. but the main characer makes you wanna vomit. i'm fine with characters not being cool, but this guy is just annoying. he reminds me of ff9's main characters, except without the tail. put that with aladdin, you got the main teenager dude, 'va'an'. he lost his brother to an odd conspiracy off the battle with the kingdoms. oh joy. feel sorry for him, he's confused. The other characters didn't develope, which is fine, because 6 hours in is barely even touching the story. Everybody has their way to relate, and mabye todays younger teens can totally relate with the cast of characters, i just wish i could do the same.

Music: alright, we all know we had to say goodbye to nobuo uematsu. the main dude who popped out the best soundtracks in video game history arguably. im pretty sure the only thing he made on this game was the main theme. but he's busy doing his own this with his band, and his own stuff now. farewell buddy. enter, Hitoshi Sakimoto! he's worked on various titles like ff tactics, stella deus, and vagrant story, and now ff 12 under his belt. So hes definately not brand new to the industry. However, i don't know if the advisors wanted him to play it safe or what, because of the tracks i've heard, cause there's a ton, are very ff generic. nothign pushing, or taking away, playing it completely safe. there's a few tracks that stick out, but the rest just fall into ,"hey try to copy uematsu's old stuff dude'', it's sad. but this is his first with a the final fantasy rpg that's not a tactical genre. so we'll see if he stays and continues to branch out as a main artist in the next ff's. hey it's hard to come in and do something under the shadow of the best in japan. good luck to em, i'd just like to see his true colors soon in music.

Overall: i'm not evening gonna waste my breathe or time on this game, the characters are shallow, the graphics are a sad excuse for a suck fest storyline. give us back the 2d games where storyline is the reason you play and graphics didn't matter. i'm still a kid, and i feel like i'm out growing these games, what's going on?? Go pick up ff4, ff5, and the soon ff6 advance for the gba, thats where the real stuff is at in today's world. FF 13 has way cooler character btw, very much the designs borrowing from final fantasy: advent children. will just see if the games keep going down hill.

(eye candy anyone? she looks better the yuna, and the ff pple never fail in the babe department or the dudes either, but it's not enough to save, the japanese are perverts. nice mini skirt hooker)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Innocence is a movie that explores inanimate objects and representative forms as artificial life.
Released in Japan on March 6, 2004, with a U.S. release on September 17, 2004, Innocence had a production budget of approximately $20 million (approx. 2 billion yen).

i'll try not to reveal the storyline too much.....

Yeah, i know this has been out for forever, i saw it when it first came out.

First Impression: downright hated it. loved the first movie, but without the Major(her actual body and whole presence) it was just hard to feel comfortable. also what did not help was the fact that Batou is the main character, and i strongly dislike him. the only thing that we have in common, is that he digs the major, and likes dogs, it's name is Gabriel, a cute hound. And only having the Major make a small appearance in a inanimate robot chick was not my idea of cool , but whatever. The story and issues they tackle is again info heavy and confusing, that's what i love about the series and movies. We mentioned in class the awkwardness of robots becoming and having the appearance of humans. there are alot of hints and notions to this issue, it can be down right creepy, it's just that good. But after me and friends watched it, it first came out with just original jap. voice, and eng. subs, they all hated it, and i was just dissapointed.

The secondary character is togusa. he's the only full human, out of section 9. It's good to see him again, but this time he is hooked up with Batou as a partner, its not a bad combo, for conversation and atmosphere. He looks good though.

I had alot of mixed feelings after the first time, so i went back and soaked it up some more. went back again and basked in it's light, then dove right in.

Okay, i'm pretty sure this is my 20th time watching this movie, and i dont' wanna say it's an aquired taste or i wanna say i like it cause no body did where i lived to be different, but i'm in love with this movie, partly because i still dont' understand all the issues, and i love the art and atmosphere they use. I still wouldn't call this a ghost in shell movie 2 though, it's more like here's a movie centered around batou, a side plot movie. Alright, all things aside now: They incorporate 3d into 2d, and they do it pretty darn good. well best i've seen in a while for adding it in. Some stuff stands out, but then other times it just looks gorgeous. They just animate little things in the background, that just shows they put some fun thought in.

The music has the standard, japanese choir whining, which wasn't too bad in the first movie, however in this one, they beat it to death, to where it's almost downright annoying. It's super high pitched this time too, and at 3 in the morning, your just like, please stop, my ears can't take it,, but there are some good tracks still in the movie, theres even a good choir one too, believe it or not, i dont' recommend buying the soundtrack, unless your dead sold out. They have some good sound effx too.

The philosophies they present are really good, i enjoy them alot, but i wont' go into detail, just check it out for yourself. have an open mind. Just throwing it out there, wanna know your thoughts since nobody really reads these things anyway. cause the movie is controversially. mabye love it or hate it, not sure, but i really love it alot. if you've seen it, id say give it another shot, if your cyberpunk fan. it even has a couple cool action scenes for violence lovers.

They have a third movie called, like solid state society, thats not out in the states yet. but it this movie follows the series from the tv shows. It looks great so far from the previews. look out for that, when it hits shores.


Adult Swim has been recently airing for awhile the "Trinity Blood" anime series. I haven't had time to see it on adult swim, so i went ahead and bought the first dvd for the heck of it. Some of my friends that watch it say it's BA g unit. So to see what the hype was all about, I listened blindly without doing any research. who doesn't like a surprise? i do, but not when it sucks. So before i go into the fun stuff, it's obvious i did not like the first 4 eps on the first dvd. This is a bent, broken review.

Right off the bat, you are introduced to Abel Nightroad (codename: Crusnik). and from instant, first impression, this dude echoed a "Vash" wannabe from Trigun. He is super super nice, and absent minded, almost to a point of silly, pretty much like Vash reacts and even talks as well. That kinda got on my nerves, cause vash is such a cool character idea. But hey, there's a billion of anime wannabe's and look a likes, why not add another one? You somewhat connect with Abel throughtout the four episodes in the beginning, but it doesn'tn really feel like you get anywhere with the series. You find a few secrets out, and get a small glimpse of what kind of system of their present world.

Their world, is somewhat futuristic, the Vatican church, is again in power, as well as military power as well. To have some examples, it goes from airships, to super coms, but they still use coins and money. fyi. Anyway, this 'vatican' seems to give off the effect it did back in the past, with being all powerful and a little abusive with it. There is also robots with human form as well. Their pretty emotionless too.

The background plot purpose seems to follow as: there are vampires feeding off humans, and the vatican and their AX agents, like "Abel" are used to kill the vampires. However, Abel is not just a humble catholic priest who touches little boys, which he appears to be and travel as, minus the little boys part. He is actually a "Crusnik". this is a super power vampire, that feeds off vampires. kinda gay, but it's not so bad as it seems for the story. He transforms into it by pronounces some percentile and power output, leading on that he isn't even using his full potential in the first episodes. Anyway, he feeds off the vampires blood, like vampires feed off humans, i have not found out if he is dependent on vampire blood yet. Also ,since Abel is a priest, he is super super poor, and always hungry, hence stomach growl. cliche.

These four episodes, have good character designs, well done flow of motion, and decent cg mixed with 2d. i find a lot of cg mixed with the new anime recently, very annoying, but with the way the industry is going, it cannot be helped. What i found odd about the episodes, was that the girl you get introduced too is left at the end. You figure once you finally connect that she would travel with abel, but guess not.

The music in this series so far, was so so, to decent. There is one track that seemed fairly well off, but what was gay, was that they used it about 4 times, within the 3 eps. that always makes me mad when pple re use the same track unless its for effect or for remembering a past event. but they just throw these out there for no reason. cheap. But the voice acting so far, is done pretty well though.

Overall: i didn't like the series too much, as of this far. but that's not saying much for just four episodes, it might just be a sleeper. getting a slow start. It just seems like today, all you need is good graphics and an average storyline to slap together a series now a days. My advice, watch it on tv, dont' buy it yet. waste o money. it might still have something. oh there's blood too, if you like that.

(+44) album is hitting stores on tuesday, november the 14th. if you haven't already downloaded the leak yet. go out and support the band and buy it, it's worth it. i'm not gonna talk it up, they are humble, and thats what you get, a humble rock cd thats rad.

"Borat": the movie
(probably some spoilers)

just saw the movie this weekend, and was pretty satisfied for the results. It's pretty much about the dude doing a documentary of the US. for his pple where he resides. In the process he pisses people off, scares em, becomes a wigger, learns proper manners, finds out pamela anderson is the chick from baywatch. He falls in love for the first time, im sure. A journey of endurance, friendship, and misunderstandings.

The movie was well done, some of the scenes had to have been staged, while others were not at all. Apparently, somebody i watched it with, said he got the cops called on him about 92 times. not too shabby my friend. He's cute, i'll give him that. What really gets me is how he acts so serious and real without busting a smile or laughing. I could never do that without laughing atleast. Alot of times you would see the difference in the quality of the camera, for effect or they actually had to use secret cameras to get the reactions of people. I dunno if the borat dude comes up with the ideas, or just adlibs mabye a mix. but this dudes a real genius. He sure knew how to make the americans look like an idiot. (no reference to the greenday song, they suck anyways)

This is not the first time this guy actually has done stuff like this, he has a series he hosts called "Ali G". In this tv show, he changes into three different characters, my favorite being the wigger. He'll interview people from real senators or f.b.i agents for issues that are brought up in today's culture. He's super super clever in some of his remarks, and he's excellant at confusing and annoying his 'victims'. If you ever get a chance, go to some movie store, and get the ali g season on dvd. its a good background picture for a party at an ice cream social. Also remember, true love is only found in fat black 1-800 number prostitutes.