Mr. Co Hoedeman:
what a cute fella, just doing the things he loves. From the films we screened at the MCA on friday nite, i wasn't really expecting anything, that way i wouldn't get my little heart broken. I got respect for the dude, some of his stuff was pretty out there i guess. He did some stuff with sand, snow(i guess it was snow or something that looked a ton like it), puppets, bears, and paper sculpture mold junk,(no clue). He really knows how to hook the film up with music that fits, definately in the sound effx department too. There was a film he made called something like "block dragon" no clue what its actually called, but i liked how the art painted on the blocks moved together with the blocks moving at the same time, that was a cool effct. "The box" stuck out at me cause of the artist interaction. I really liked that feature. I found it really funny cause, we all know that wasn't really the co dude, it was stunt double. He made little grunts and noises, that was silly. Then when the creation he made went into the box, the creator just smiled or something, and went, 'ha you fell for trap'. atleast that's what should have happened. I would love to take his work and dub over it with different voices, that would be a real kick.
Gotta love that kid on right side. The last film we 'got the opportunity' to stay for was called 'the sniffing bear' i think. now i know i probably missed the whole point of the film, and im naive and all that, but i want what that bear was sniffing, it like made him high and junk, honestly who wouldnt? fighting off wolves, sea lions, birds, the works. fun for the whole family. i first thought the red 'mysterious' box, was gasoline, i still dunno what it was, but later on you saw the skull on it, so it had to be like hot chocolate from an eskimo that used to stay in the igloo. The hoedeman guy is good at what he does. He has variety, i haven't seen all his films yet, but from what we saw that nite, he brings something new and totally different in all his films. i admired him on that part, cause there's people that find something their good at and only stick to 'that', and dont' evolve or push themsevles to grow. i think came across ignorant, no offense to the pple that loved it, just not my cup of tea yo.