Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mr. Co Hoedeman:

what a cute fella, just doing the things he loves. From the films we screened at the MCA on friday nite, i wasn't really expecting anything, that way i wouldn't get my little heart broken. I got respect for the dude, some of his stuff was pretty out there i guess. He did some stuff with sand, snow(i guess it was snow or something that looked a ton like it), puppets, bears, and paper sculpture mold junk,(no clue). He really knows how to hook the film up with music that fits, definately in the sound effx department too. There was a film he made called something like "block dragon" no clue what its actually called, but i liked how the art painted on the blocks moved together with the blocks moving at the same time, that was a cool effct. "The box" stuck out at me cause of the artist interaction. I really liked that feature. I found it really funny cause, we all know that wasn't really the co dude, it was stunt double. He made little grunts and noises, that was silly. Then when the creation he made went into the box, the creator just smiled or something, and went, 'ha you fell for trap'. atleast that's what should have happened. I would love to take his work and dub over it with different voices, that would be a real kick.

Gotta love that kid on right side. The last film we 'got the opportunity' to stay for was called 'the sniffing bear' i think. now i know i probably missed the whole point of the film, and im naive and all that, but i want what that bear was sniffing, it like made him high and junk, honestly who wouldnt? fighting off wolves, sea lions, birds, the works. fun for the whole family. i first thought the red 'mysterious' box, was gasoline, i still dunno what it was, but later on you saw the skull on it, so it had to be like hot chocolate from an eskimo that used to stay in the igloo. The hoedeman guy is good at what he does. He has variety, i haven't seen all his films yet, but from what we saw that nite, he brings something new and totally different in all his films. i admired him on that part, cause there's people that find something their good at and only stick to 'that', and dont' evolve or push themsevles to grow. i think came across ignorant, no offense to the pple that loved it, just not my cup of tea yo.

When we were talking in class about all the philosophies and weird junk behind the story of narnia, it was brought up that the newest movie didn't do the trick. I agree with that. some of us are still kids at heart and all that gay stuff, otherwise a few of us wouldn't be in this field to begin with, but i kinda thought mabye if we were five years old again the movie would have been better. but in my mind it's hard to beat the classics. i've read most of the books for various book reports etc, but i remember when i first saw the animation, i thought it was the coolest thing ever. Id watch it a bunch of times and so on, that really captured it for me.

Chronicles of Narnia

no clue if the above image is the right animation , if so it's just the revised title front for the new dvd. we were kids when we saw it, so it might just downright suck now, but i stilled liked it for it's time and how old i was. when i got older i saw the live versions of some the vhs's. Those were nuts, corny, but still liked em. I guess with the new version that's out, and i think i heard there making the rest later on, oh joy. but it's just hard to beat the originals and junk, example: star wars, charlie and chocolate factory, etc... oh and if you've been living under a rock, go out and buy paris hilton's 'Paris' cd, featuring 'stars are blind' dance paris, treat t-ravis barker right.

Colour: Feel this way

It was mentioned in class the other week, briefly about colors. Now im not trying to be different or cool but i really hate when people tag feelings and emotions with colors. I had an old art teacher once who faithly followed how the colors should make you feel, and half of his stuff did not effect or hit me the way it said. Everybody's got their own opinion on what the color makes them feel, i don't believe there should be a set spectrum to emotions, its just not that simple. Of course some colors you could figure out in a few guesses what they wanted to say or anything. here is an interior designer dude's opinion to what the color blue is about:
"Blue, the color of sky and water, creates fresh, cool, and restful feelings. Blue walls can make a south- or west-facing room feel cooler. Because it "recedes," blue also creates the illustion of space and distance, conjuring up emotions of haughtiness, formality, reserve, and sadness.

In spite of evoking such contradictory reactions, blue is a favorite because it is easy on the eyes and the nerves, making it an excellent choice for rooms where you want to relax or sleep."

that was taken from :

there's your resource junk, so i didnt steal it author man.

go ahead disagree, i just made a blog, so there.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

JetPack Broom Chaser: Super cool short film. I'm not into much of the short films and everything, but i have only seen a few other films that are like this one. The effects were pretty cool too, it might not be perfect, but i don't really look for perfection. What got me the whole time was the whole atmosphere and architecture. They were neato. I'd kill to have a fight scene or something on that. Each scene had some new form of the building and such to make it sweet for the chase and fight scenes. The sound effx fit well too. I'd really like to know where they shot the whole film, cause it looked a tad futuristic/factory building. But jumping on the brooms would be fun too, to get the shots and all. You could make a hot ninja movie with that in your backyard. I liked how they got the wheelchair dude to fly up in the air, all tangled and stuff. Plus the superman part was a great addition, just throwing it at you, gotta love it. even though i'm not superman fan. I didn't even know what the thing they were al fighting over was, but it didn't really matter too much, cause the film did fine without the knowledge of it. I hope we see more of stuff like this in class.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Garbage Man

I liked how non chalante they were about the whole swift moves of mr. neat. little things like dodging the water hose and catching the news paper. The main character fit pretty well i guess. the sound effx were hot too in the eating part. you could feel the fat ingulging in their systems. It was super predictable, but it didn't matter at all. It was still entertaining to where you knew what was gonna happen, but then they would throw a little extra in. Like with the little baby and the mom, you knew it was gonna upchuck, but then they go the extra mile and have the dude have a load of it in his mouth. tastes good. I also liked the part where the banana fell off his head, nice touch and props to the pple who did it. Especially considering they only had a few days to shoot and work the whole thing. Im not really into that stuff, but i still respect it. The ending flashes suicide to me for a first glance, but it didn't really stay there, and the baptism thing too, seemed to fit more. But honestly, the guy was dirty, give him in a break.